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Coluvión y aluvión (participar en discusión, publicado abril 12 de 2016)

Despite being fundamental terms in Earth science, the definitions for colluvium and alluvium often differ between disciplines, countries, and authors. Some examples of the variety of definitions for just colluvium can be found in this poster:





Although the differences and overlaps of the various definitions cause many issues, the most important problem is that they hinder scientific communication and can result in misunderstandings.

To better understand how researchers differentiate these two materials and to look for common ground between different perspectives, we are asking your help by completing the survey linked to below. One early respondent described the survey as “a lot of fun.” We hope you enjoy it too!
Colluvium versus Alluvium Survey 


El IDEAM fue encargado del levantamiento y manejo de la información científica y técnica sobre los ecosistemas para establecer las bases técnicas para clasificar y zonificar el uso del territorio nacional para los fines de la planificación y el ordenamiento del territorio (Ley 99 de 1993). Esta tarea incluyó trabajos en el campo interdisciplinario de la Geomorfología, ciencia que analiza y clasifica las geoformas de la tierra, sus orígenes y los procesos dinámicos asociados.

El IDEAM presenta una metodología específica para la elaboración de mapas geomorfológicos a escala 1: 100.000 con el apoyo de las técnicas modernas de sensores remotos y cartografía digital junto con las técnicas tradicionales de la fotointerpretación y trabajo de campo.

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Imagen de geomorfología planetaria del mes (mayo 2016)

"Martian Maars: valuable sites in the search for traces of past martian life

Geología compleja de Plutón (febrero 2016)

It may look like a piece of art, but this map is helping us understand the complex geological processes on Pluto. Producing such maps is important for gauging what processes have operated where, and when they occurred relative to other processes at work. 

Human topographic signatures and derived geomorphic processes across landscapes

Artículo publicado en Geomorphology Volume 255, 15 February 2016, Pages 140–161

Economic costs of soil erosion (publicado marzo 26/16)

It appears more and more that the offsite effects of soil erosion are more harmful and costly than the onsite effects.

I would appreciate your comments and additional references.

Imagen de geomorfología planetaria del mes (abril 2016)

This month’s topic is "Sedimentology and Hydrology of an Amazonian paleo-fluivo-lacustrine systems on Mars (Moa Valles)".
Contributed by Francesco Salese from IRSPS/Dipartimento INGEO, Università D’Annunzio, Pescara, Italy.

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